许多人大部分时间都呆在室内. However, the US EPA estimates the average indoor air has pollutant concentrations that are two to five times higher than the outdoors. 家庭空气净化系统可以帮助保持家里的空气清洁. Here are nine benefits of air purifiers and a summary of the types available.
1. 减少空气传播疾病
空气传播的病毒能加速疾病的传播. 流感之类的疾病, the mumps, the measles, 即使是普通的感冒也会通过我们呼吸的空气传播. HVAC systems are designed to circulate air throughout an indoor environment, 如果没有过滤或杀死,哪些细菌会进一步传播. 通过高效微粒过滤和紫外线杀菌的结合, 你可以减少家里空气中的病毒.
2. 减少过敏
根据美国疾病控制中心的数据, 超过四分之一的美国人患有季节性过敏. 比如灰尘, mold, mites, and pet dander can cause someone with allergies to develop irritating symptoms. 在某些情况下, these symptoms can become severe enough to trigger asthma attacks and other serious breathing problems. Most air filters have a mesh size that is small enough to catch things like pollen and pet dander, 哪种方法可以降低室内过敏原的浓度.
3. 消除难闻气味
A home air purification system can also help you eliminate persistent unpleasant odors from your home. This can include smells from smokers, the kitchen, litterboxes or other sources. 通过采用活性炭过滤等技术, modern 空气净化系统 can trap foul odors and keep them from circulating in your home.
4. 提高睡眠质量
Studies have demonstrated that home air purifiers can help you to sleep better and awaken feeling refreshed and rested. That’s a big deal because the quality of your sleep plays a big role in your overall health. Poor sleep can lead to chronic illness and can contribute to hypertension, obesity, 还有心血管问题. Clean indoor air can improve your chances of a restorative night’s sleep.
5. 延长暖通欧博体育allbet的使用寿命
The tiny particles that circulate in your home’s air can add unnecessary strain to your HVAC system. 发生这种情况的原因有很多, 包括长期肮脏的暖通欧博体育allbet过滤器, 灰尘积聚在暖通欧博体育allbet的活动部件内, 并且由于脏的管道系统增加了空气阻力. 通过尽可能多地去除家中空气中的颗粒物, 家用空气净化器可以延长暖通欧博体育allbet的使用寿命, ensuring your long-term comfort and cutting down your maintenance costs.
6. 去除有害化学物质
A home air purification system will also remove a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and chemicals from your home’s air. Such substances are common in most homes because there are so many household items that may introduce them into the environment. 建筑材料中的甲醛基胶水, organic compounds in synthetic furniture and even chemicals in cleaning supplies can contribute chemicals and VOCs to your home’s air. 如果挥发性有机化合物浓度很高, they can have a variety of negative health effects ranging from respiratory issues to major bodily organ damage. Activated carbon filters and air scrubbers are both designed to trap these chemicals and remove them from the air you breathe.
7. 减少家居清洁
Did you know that forced-air HVAC systems can increase your home’s need for regular dusting and cleaning? It happens because an HVAC’s central blower can end up moving dust and dirt around your home, 让它沉淀在家具和其他表面上. Since an air filter removes dust and dirt from your home’s air, it can solve this problem for you.
8. 保护家中的老人和孩子
根据美国环境保护署, children and the elderly are more vulnerable to certain air pollutants than the general population. The elderly, especially, suffer more harm from substances like ozone. Repeated studies have shown that the lung development of children suffers harm from excessive air pollution. This is also true for anyone in your home with a chronic condition that affects their lungs, 比如哮喘, 囊性纤维化或慢性阻塞性肺病.
9. 提高工作效率
The cleaner air produced by a home air purification system can also help improve your productivity at home. Studies have shown that environments with air purifiers support productivity levels up to 11% higher than those without them. So, whether you’re doing your laundry and dishes or working remotely from home, 你可以在更干净的空气中用更少的时间做更多的事情.
Today’s home 空气净化系统 rely on a handful of key technologies to function. You can find systems that use only a single type of technology to clean your air or multiple types for a more thorough approach. 不过,在所有情况下,空气净化器都是从一件事开始的——过滤.
空气净化器可能依赖于一种或多种过滤技术, 这取决于它针对的污染物. 最常见的是HEPA过滤, but you will also see systems that add active carbon filtration to deal with things like odors. Plus, 高端空气净化系统通常采用负离子过滤, which can attract harmful substances from your air like a magnet would attract metal.
For air purifiers built to eliminate things like viruses and bacteria, 你会经常看到紫外线技术在使用. UV lamps that emit light in certain wavelengths can damage or sterilize bacteria and viruses. 然而,大多数波长的紫外线都对人体有害. This is why air purifiers that rely on UV light technology either use it inside a sealed air chamber or feature UV lights installed deep within your HVAC system where you won’t come in contact with it.
Air scrubbers are designed to attract and pull certain gases or chemicals from the air. They are commonly used in industrial settings where volatile chemicals are routinely used to help mitigate air quality. However, these machines can be used for more residential purposes, too. Portable air scrubbers can be used to mitigate the smell and the VOCs of fresh paint. 如果你家里有人特别敏感, there are systems that work in line with the rest of your HVAC system as well.
这里是阿科斯塔供暖制冷公司 & 电气,我们提供质量 空气净化系统 在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市以及其他地方. 我们提供完整的 暖通欧博体育allbet服务, including air purification, thermostats, HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair. 我们可以帮上忙, 商业和无管道暖通欧博体育allbet需求以及标准炉, 欧博体育allbet和热泵. 我们还提供全面的电气服务, 包括维修, 浪涌保护器, 照明安装, 电气面板升级, generators, 电动汽车充电器安装. 我们所做的所有工作都是在内心平静的保证下完成的. 它们包括无柠檬保证, 工艺保证和优先应急服务保证. 要了解更多信息,请立即致电我们.